1. When and how did you discover the "fashion designer" in you?
When I was about 17 and I was taking a photography/video degree in school Soares dos Reis, in Oporto; my works were mainly related to fashion.
2. What are the influences of your creative process?
Architecture, Suit history and everyday life.
3. To whom do you direct your work ?
To fashion and art focused people. To someone who is looking for new products and new perspectives.
4. What was the biggest challenge of your entire carrer?
It has always been the collection to come.
5. In what projects are you working currently?
I am consultant of two textile comopanies in Oporto, where I develop a vertical product; i choose the lines, develop the materials and the piece' design. I'm a part of CITEX, where I teach streetwear and sportswear design and portfolio planning. I'm also creating the outfits for an interesting work of a coreographer friend of mine, which is studying Cindy Sherman's universe.

6. How did you come up with the idea of creating a blog?
Since a while, I wanted to have a site where people could find and see my work; as I intended to do something less institucionalized, the best option was to create a blog.
7. If you weren't a fashion designer, you would be...?
A car designer, architect, photographer or cameraman in a TV station.
8. Sweet or salty?
Definitely sweet after salty.
9. What have you been hearing lately?
Bloc party and everything from http://www.pigradio.com/
10. You cannot live whithout...
My pills.
11. Often caught...
falling, stumbling and lying.
12. Place.
13. IN & OUT.
IN - washed sneakers
OUT – leggings
14. Black is...?
The colour which never compromises me.
15. What is your opinion about Black is Back?
The new coolest blog in the city!!!

Photos by cortesy of Ricardo Dourado

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